Regional Touring Expressions of Interest
Everyone deserves the best live music, so please share your talents with communities across NSW!
Musica Viva Australia collaborates with a range of concert presenters including performing arts centres, the regional conservatorium network, volunteer music societies, and festivals. Through the support of Create NSW, we level the playing field for regional presenters and their audiences by assisting with contract administration, arranging and paying for artists’ domestic travel and accommodation, advising on specific technical and artistic needs, and complementing local marketing efforts. This puts regional presenters on a more equal footing with their metropolitan colleagues – all they need is the fee.
From the applications, we will select approximately 10 diverse soloists or small ensembles to be promoted on our website and directly to presenters across NSW. Ideally, we look to create short tours of two to five concerts; however, this can vary depending on presenter need.
Each year we offer presenters a diverse and enticing selection of ensemble musicians and programs, including classical chamber music, music from diverse cultural backgrounds, and music-centred works which cross into other artforms. We’re interested in hearing from artists who are outstanding musicians, excellent communicators, and who can offer workshops and other community engagement activities in addition to concerts.
This program is broadly intended to support opportunities for artists living in Australia. Funding for international airfares is not available.
We welcome and encourage applications from First Nations people, people who identify as having disability, people who identify as LGBTIQA+, and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
I loved regional touring for Musica Viva Australia! Music is all about connection in the moment, and it felt inspiring and enriching to connect with communities around NSW in various ways - hearing students and talking about music and making music in masterclasses, dancing with kids and talking about what stories and feelings and colours music evokes, meeting audience members and talking with them before, during, and after performances. It was a real privilege to share music with lots of different and absolutely beautiful communities around NSW.
- Andrea Lam, 2022 & 2023 Regional Touring Artist
Image credit: Orange Regional Conservatorium
2026 Program
If you wish to be contacted when expressions of interest open for our 2026 program, please complete the form below.
For more information please contact:
Elizabeth Dedman - Manager, Regional Touring & Special Projects Phone: 0407 200 332 | Email: