Musica Viva Australia In Schools Ensemble Patron Program

Musica Viva Australia is proud to be one of the largest and most trusted providers of music education in the country for both teachers and students. Each year we present fourteen ensembles who create inspirational performances for students and their teachers in schools throughout Australia. 

'It is such a joy to have so many of Australia's finest musicians across many genres performing for us in schools across the country,' says Cassandra Lake, Director of Education. 'MVAIS provides musicians with a unique opportunity to connect with Australian primary school students in metro, regional and remote locations, and I am incredibly proud that MVA has the largest national touring footprint of any music education program in the country.'  

MVAIS ensembles are some of the busiest performers in Australia, and the most well-travelled. Each ensemble tours on a multi-year cycle which will take them to every state and territory. In 2023 alone our ensembles reached 760 schools nationally, delivering 1,127 performances that reached over 170,000 students. Each program has a theme aligned with the Australian curriculum, teaching important messages about connection to culture, history, environment, science, friendship, respect, fun and creativity through music making. 

'Musica Viva Australia’s national education programs are probably not as well known as the main concert series, but they are equally important. Interactive and culturally diverse, these in-school programs give children the opportunity to experience live music played by some of Australia’s best musicians. Hopefully they foster a lifelong love of music and, of course, we know about the benefits that music has on the brain’s ability to learn,' says MVA donor Kay Vernon.

'This year I have decided to support the Musica Viva Australia In Schools group Da Vinci’s Apprentice, which combines early music (viola da gamba, theorbo and cornetto) with the story of a girl in 16th-century Italy who dreams of working with the great artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci. I am so pleased to be able to support such a wonderful, imaginative, enterprise.' 

Our MVAIS ensembles are the glue in our organisation, encouraging children throughout Australia to be what they see, ensuring the ongoing cultural health of the country. Artistic Director, Paul Kildea

Musica Viva Australia In Schools can only happen with the support of generous donors who join us on this journey. Our Education Ensemble Patrons are passionate about the importance of music education in the lives of young Australians everywhere. 

MVA’s Education Ensemble Patrons provide support for one (or more) of our MVAIS ensembles for the life-cycle of their touring within the Education program in the amount of $15,000 per year (tax deductible). This makes a tangible difference to Musica Viva Australia, enabling the ensembles to reach the more students, from metropolitan to remote areas.  

If you are interested in supporting this, or making a more general gift towards our work, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact Zoe Cobden-Jewitt at for more information.